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Responding to Tobias Kaye on A=432

I'm in total agreement that A=less than 440 leads to an altogether more mellifluous standard of tuning, though for slightly different reasons. But first I must comment on bodily vibrations. Human vibrations step down with increasing mass from the atom to the cell via the organs to the whole body, and in simple harmonic relationships too! (see my conference paper 'Tuning, Resonance and Consciousness' at ). And muscles also vibrate at different rates: 2hz is the rate of the sphincter muscle, as I recall. Cells vibrate at c.1000hz. 
But to the point. All over the world, ethnic instruments of many kinds are frequently constructed on a pitch which is slightly flat of standard concert pitch 'Dflat'. I have encountered more himalayan bowls with that pitch than any other. My didgeridoo approximates to that pitch. (of course one also finds them emitting the fifth, or other harmonic). While improvising modally with colleagues we often find we settle on 'D' without any prior intention to do so (somehow 'C' seems too flat, almost bathetic). 
According to Hans Cousto in 'The Cosmic Octave' the earth tone (based on Kepler) is a slightly flat 'Dflat'. There we have it, seemingly. Of course exact math here becomes approximate: as far as ethnic instruments are concerned, we are talking about intuitive construction, pitching according to finely sensed data which can seem astonishing to modern outwardly oriented, sensorily overloaded consciousnesses.
There are of course floods of variant detail in this, related to local geographic, climatological and personal changes through time. Briefly, though, the Baroque tuning more nearly approximates to Cousto's earth tone . .

Tobias's Post is here 

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